Church News


June 3, 2024


       GOD FIRST (Matt. 10:37)

       FAMILY SECOND (1 Tim. 5:8)

Anything you put before GOD is saying such is more important to you than GOD and HIS business. That is considered idolatry. If you habitually, deliberately, non-justifiably come to church late, but habitually/deliberately go to other non-GOD activities on time, you have a serious soul problem (Col. 3:5-10). If you fear and respect man more than you fear and respect GOD, you have a serious soul problem (Matt. 10:28). If you habitually/deliberately go to everything late, you have a serious problem. GOD gets no glory out of you being habitually late for HIS business or for other important matters. The warning lights are on, so don't let a spiritual breakdown happen to you. GOD bless you. 


June 4, 2024


The signs of the times (Luke 21:25-26) are everywhere. We can almost feel it in the air. The scriptures warn us to be careful and be not deceived. Even the very innocent looking can be a trap of deception. As children of God, we must be wise, we must have our armour (whole armour of God) on at all times. The scripture tells us that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8). As children of God, we have to show love, we have to be helpful, be peaceful, but we also have to be very cautious.  God created a perfect world, but the deceptive ways and practices of humankind make it almost impossible to lend a hand even when it’s needed. We Must Remain Cautious, but vigilant. 

I John 3:7 - “Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous”. God Bless you!


June 5, 2024



   (Pronounced C-LA)

I have been curious about the word SELAH, so this is what I have found. The word SELAH is a Hebrew word that is found 71 times in the Psalms and 3 times in the book of Habakkuk. It is said by some scholars that its true meaning is unknown. Others say that the word Selah means to pause and reflect where you see the word SELAH. The word SELAH is also a synonym of Hebrew words that means forever, to raise voices in praises to GOD, and it also has a musical connection which means to make the instruments louder. Selah is usually not mentioned when you are reading. In conclusion, when you see the word Selah anywhere, just pause and reflect that our GOD is forever and should be exalted and lifted up in praises forever. SELAH.  GOD BLESS YOU.


June 6, 2024


When we talk about seeds, we tend to think about some type of fruit or vegetable seeds.   Planting these types of seeds is nice and a healthy way to get good vegetables and fruits.   But there is another seed that is far better and more precious than those seeds.  Those seeds are your children.  When you walk up rightly before God (Jesus), your children will be Blessed.  It's a Blessing when they are raised in a home that reverences God, and they have Godly examples to follow.  Those children that are raised by Godly parents will see how it is to live Godly.  The seed (the children) will see the seed (the Word) of God in action.   What a Blessing!

Psalms 112:1-2 – “Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.  His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed”.


June 7, 2024


    (1 CORINTHIANS 15:57-58)

    The CHURCH with a capital C.

The song writer says, "remember only what you do for CHRIST will last...". The devil knows that many of us will not go back and have no desire to go back into the world outright. So, what he will do as in the case of Judas, he will search to find a weak person or something from inside to get you to try to live the outside life inside. The CHURCH with the capital C is among the common c church. The wheat is growing among the tares and to pull up the tares you may pull up or hurt the wheat also. JESUS said let them grow together until harvest time (Matthew 13:28-30). The strong wheat must remain strong and do not become distracted from focusing on JESUS by the things or others inside or outside of the congregation of believers. When JESUS comes back, HE will take the church with the capital C out from among the common c christians. The Bible tells us "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father (GOD) is not in him" (1 John 2:15-17). So, stay strong because it is ok and beautiful to be different from the world. GOD bless you.


June 10, 2024

   Part B - BE STRONG 

   (1 Corinth 15: 57-58; 1 Peter 4:12-19)

   The capital C Church

The CHURCH with the capital C will be taken out from among the common c church members at the rapture and are consisted of those who have put on the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY GHOST NAME which is JESUS (John 5:43, John 10:25, Matt. 1:21, John 14:26) by baptism, the infilling of the HOLY GHOST (Acts 10:47-48; Acts 19:5) and living a holy life ready for death or the rapture (1 Thessa. 4:14-17). The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 1:15-16 that "... as HE which has called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy” (no sin, no unforgiveness, no unloveness, and no Gal. 5:19-21, etc. See also Hebrews 12:14. The church with the capital C is in a spiritual warfare and we will in these last days (2 Tim. 3: 1-5) go through fiery trials which the enemy of our souls will put on us to get us not to abide in GOD'S CHURCH (1 Peter 4:12-19; Matt. 5:10-12). But we are to rejoice in our trials and not to complain because the reward of eternal life in Heaven with JESUS will be great (Matt 5:12). Remember that "greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). May I encourage you to be strong and stay abidingly strong in THE CHURCH with the capital C (Matt 16:18). Remember your years in the church will not save you if you die with sin in your heart (Ezekiel 18:24-26). GOD bless you.


June 11, 2024


The mind is the central unit that recollects and houses memories. It’s the part of a person that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons (Philippians 2:5). With all the challenges and circumstances we go through in life, we have to keep our minds stayed on Jesus (II Timothy 1:7). Our minds can get easily messed up when we take our focus off of God and put it on other things, especially if it’s not Godly things. (Romans 12:1-2). As the famous saying goes, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. We must occupy our minds with the things of God, have good thoughts, sing songs, make melody in our hearts unto the Lord, and stay focus on the Word of God (II Corinthians 10:5). The devil was defeated because Jesus used the word on him. So, when our minds are focused on God's Word, we are always ready when the enemy tries to attack. 

Isaiah 26:3 - “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee”. God Bless!!


June 12, 2024


   (John 10:9)

The door is the entrance to many things, such as a house, a church building, or a vehicle (car or bus).

No one can be saved without GOD.  HE, GOD put a door in HIMSELF and that door is JESUS, the greatest door and through which all must enter in so as to be saved.  JESUS says, "I am THE DOOR: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved..." (John 10:9). JESUS is the NAME of the door that all must enter and believe in, baptized in, filled with the HOLY GHOST, and live holy in. Salvation for eternal life can only be found in the name JESUS (Acts 4:12). JESUS SAYS "... no man cometh unto the FATHER (GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT) but by me" (John 14:6). So, enter and if you are an in church or an outright backslider re-enter the door now before death (no repentance in the grave) or the rapture causes you to be too late like the five foolish virgins (Matt. 25:10). GOD bless you.


June 13, 2024


When we are traveling somewhere by car, or bus or plane, we plan on Continuing our trip using that same mode of transportation (unless we do a transfer), until we reach our destination.  There is no difference when it comes to our walk with the Lord (Jesus).  When we start our relationship with Him, we have to Continue until we reach our Heavenly destination.

John 8:31-32 – “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.


June 14, 2024



   (Ezekiel 18:20-28; Ezekiel 33:10-20)

Forgive one another and stay holy until death and the rapture in order to go to heaven. Be it resolved that one does not go to heaven because a preacher, a friend, or anyone says at your funeral he/she "made it in heaven". You and GOD are the only ones who knows whether you will spend eternity in heaven or in hell. You alone determine while alive and in your sound mind whether you will spend eternity in heaven or in hell. The Bible lets us know that not everyone that says Lord, Lord, shall enter into heaven. Only the person who dies doing GOD'S will or living holy at the rapture (Matt. 7:21-23) will enter heaven. Only the person who endures (holy) to the end will be saved eternally (Matt. 24:13-14). Ezekiel 33:12 lets us know that our years in the church will not save us if we die with unforgiveness (Matt. 6:15) or with unrepented sins (read Ezekiel 18:20-28, Ezekiel 33:10-20, Heb. 12:14, and Matt. 6:15). So be strong and stay holy ready for death or the rapture. Let no one who may have done you wrong cause you to lose your soul. They are not worth the value of your soul. Forgive them and move on. GOD bless you.


June 17, 2024



   (Scriptures: John 17:21-23; Romans 15:6-7)

There can be no unity without U and I. It is with one accord that all of us (in all of our churches) in our Convocations seek to glorify GOD our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS THE CHRIST. Therefore, we come in these three days of prayer and fasting not to big up ourselves, but in humility and one accord we fast to big up JESUS in our lives that HIS will be done. Our organization’s motto tells us that "... THE CHURCH is ALL ABOUT JESUS". Yes, our Convocations are all about JESUS. DO NOT let the enemy use you to plant seeds of negativity and discord in your hearts, but seek to be positive and fast for as long daily as your medical health permits. GOD knows how long daily that you can. If you have medical prescribed time to take your Medication, do so and resume your fast. We will be doing the Jewish minor fast each day 6am to 6pm on June 17-19, 2024. GOD bless you.


June 18, 2024


Life in itself can be unpredictable, but as believers we should totally depend on God. We were never told that we won’t go through trials, yes, we will! The scripture even says that we would have fiery trials; these are trials that may happen back-to-back, or as we say when one is over, here comes another one. But we must be of good cheer, Jesus said I have overcome the world (John 16:32-33). We must stand on God’s promises no matter the test or the trails that we go through. Jesus never said that we won’t have trials, but He did promise that He will see us through those trials. 

I Peter 4:12-13 - “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy”. God Bless you!


June 19, 2024


    (Heb. 9:22; Matt. 26:28)

Thank GOD for the blood of JESUS that was shed on Calvary for the remission of our sins (Matt. 26:28). The natural blood is life, and it has the power to keep you alive. In the Old Testament the blood of clean animals was used to remit sins. "…and without the shedding of blood is no remission (of sins)” (Heb. 9:22). 

The children of Israel were told to put blood upon the two post of the door of their houses so that death could not hurt them. GOD said, "...when I see the blood, I will pass over you..." (Exo. 12:13). Let no one stop you from pleading the blood and the name of JESUS when danger comes around you. When you plead the blood of JESUS you are installing the covering barrier of protection (Exo. 12:13). Only the blood of JESUS can flow up to the highest mountain. The blood of JESUS will never coagulate, and it will never lose its life power. Thank GOD for the blood. GOD bless you.


June 20, 2024


We Cry during many occasions, like at weddings, at the birth of a child, at graduations and at congratulatory occasions, etc.   When, we Cry during these occasions, these are happy tears, and they make our heart leap for joy.  We also Cry in trying times, like the sickness of a loved one, the death of a loved one, and when we get bad news about our health.  We may also Cry during our trials and tribulations that are too overwhelming for us to bear.  In these types of situations, don't hold back the tears, Crying is a release for us and because God (Jesus) can read our tears and will restore our joy.   

Psalms 30:5 – “For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”.


June 21, 2024


   (John 17:21; Matt. 12:25-26)

The word unit is found in the word unity and one of the definitions of unit means single and complete component and is regarded as a whole. One of the definitions of division means dividing or separating things into parts from that which was a whole. In as much as the word vision is found in the word division, there is no true vision in division. Those people who love to cause division have no vision (of unity). They have no vision of oneness or togetherness and often see two or more where there is only supposed to be one. Like the blind man that needed a second touch from JESUS, they see men and trees as the same thing (Mark 8:24-26). The enemy of the church and of our souls love to sow the seeds (tares) of division (discord) among the brethren and often get those who are spiritually weak to follow him (Prov. 6:16-19). The only mathematics the devil can do is division (make things less). He did the same thing in heaven and GOD had to throw him out with those angels who followed him (Isa. 14:12-15). The devil will use those who love being negative, boastful, discord sowers, disobedient, uncooperative, self-exalters, etc., etc. Don’t let the devil use you. Stay focused on JESUS and strive to keep HIM first in your life 24X7. GOD bless you. Love you all!


June 24, 2024


Flying to your destination takes much preparation. So it is with going to heaven. On earth, you must have proper documents such as a passport, visa, etc., etc. and you must obey the rules in order to get to your destination. No exceptions. Man will accept man's rules on earth, but many feel they don't have to follow GOD'S rules to go to heaven. Yes, heaven has rules also. Your spiritual papers of repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost infilling, holiness, etc., etc. must be in order if you want to make heaven your destination. Get and keep your Papers in order before it is too late. No sin can board heaven's flight.


June 25, 2024


During life’s struggles, the enemy of our souls love to see when our heads are hung down. The enemy likes to see us discouraged and may even cause us to feel like we are defeated. We are victorious, and we have already won the victory. The songwriter says; “If you put your trust in Jesus, He will surely bring you out”. Let’s lift up our heads because we have already won the battle (Psalm 3:3). We are overcomers, and we are “more than conquerors through Him (Christ) that love us”. (Rom. 8:31-39), (Psalm 25:1-2). As a child of God, no matter the struggles we encounter, should never walk with our heads hang down, or walk in defeat. We serve a God that owns the cattle on a thousands hills. Our God is still Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah- Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, and He’s more than enough. 

Psalm 24:7-10 - “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in….”.  God Bless you, lift up your heads!


June 26, 2024


   (Num. 23:20; Matt. 5:10-12)

When Balak king of Moab gave instructions to Balaam to curse GOD'S people, Balaam let king Balak know that he Balaam can only speak what GOD has put in his mouth. "Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and HE hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it" (Num. 23:20). My brothers and sisters do not let your sufferings and hardships cause you to doubt the fact that you are blessed and your blessings come with no reverse gear (Num. 23:20). Be encouraged because after you have suffered a while, GOD will perfect HIS blessings in your life, and you will have a testimony (1 Peter 5:10). So rejoice and be exceedingly glad knowing that GOD has not left you, but you are being prepared in your sufferings to receive like Job double for your trouble (Job 42:12). Hold your head up, put the smile of faith on your face and not the frown of doubt. Remember who GOD bless no man can curse. GOD bless you.


June 27, 2024


Thank God (Jesus) for Miracles (an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs). Sometimes, we can overlook Miracles. It's a Miracle when we open our eyes to a brand-new day. It's a Miracle how cars came close to hitting our cars, but they didn't. It's a Miracle that the car accident you were in didn't take your life. It's a Miracle that the last meal you ate didn't kill you with all the chemicals in our foods now a days. It's a Miracle that when you fell down, you were able to get back up and not be paralyzed. It’s a Miracle how God provides for us and every living thing on a daily basis. Lastly, we see Miracle on a daily basis all around us. To God be the glory for all of His Miracles.


June 28, 2024


   (John 5:28-29)

Over the life of some homes, the upper covering of the house, which is called a roof, may need repairs or need to be replaced completely. Sometimes you have to move from one house to another and you may say I am under a new roof. There are many today who are under a new roof that they were not prepared to be under.  My question to many is, are you ready to be under your new roof? This roof many have testified and said, Thank GOD I am still on top of my grave. Yes, this new roof is the top of your grave. Death often has a sudden way of giving many in the cemetery an unexpected new roof. Are you saved and holy ready for death? It does not matter if you are saved or unsaved, new roof is coming, and on the resurrection day your roof cannot hold you back, but everyone will break through their roof to go to heaven or hell. "...all that are in the graves shall hear HIS (GOD'S) voice, and shall come forth..." (Read John 5:28-29). GOD bless you.


TFTD Ministry
Mt. Olivet Apostolic Churches


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